Brown Shipley Funds.

Brown Shipley manages a range of collective investments known as SVS Brown Shipley Funds. These are designed to provide managed growth or income investments on a collective basis for smaller portfolios, or to access specific investment opportunities.

You can find important PDFs and downloads in this section.


Cautious Fund

Fund Objective

The Fund aims to achieve growth through a combination of capital and income over the medium term (at least five years).

The Fund will invest, directly and indirectly, in a mixture of shares and fixed interest securities (being sovereign, investment grade and non-investment grade bonds).

The allocation between the shares and fixed interest securities in which the Fund invests will be actively managed and will vary in response to short term market conditions. However, the Fund operates a cautious strategy, meaning that the allocation to shares, will remain within a 0% to 35% range. 

Our Fund’s Pre-Contractual Sustainability Disclosures can be found in the Multi-Asset Portfolio Prospectus below.

Income Fund

Fund Objective

The Fund aims to achieve returns through a focus on assets the Investment Manager believes will generate income, as well as capital growth, over the medium term (at least five years). 

The Fund will invest, directly and indirectly, in a mixture of shares and fixed interest securities (being sovereign, investment grade and non-investment grade bonds). 

The allocation between the shares and fixed interest securities in which the Fund invests will be actively managed and will vary in response to short term market conditions. However, the allocation to shares, will remain within a 30% to 55% range. 

Download Fund Factsheet Here
Download Key Investor Information Here

Our Fund’s Pre-Contractual Sustainability Disclosures can be found in the Multi-Asset Portfolio Prospectus below.

Balanced Fund

Fund Objective

The Fund aims to achieve growth through a combination of capital and income over the medium term (at least five years). 

The Fund will invest, directly and indirectly, in a mixture of shares and fixed interest securities (being sovereign, investment grade and non-investment grade bonds). 

The allocation between the shares and fixed interest securities in which the Fund invests will be actively managed and will vary in response to short term market conditions. However, the Fund operates a balanced strategy, maintaining a balance between shares and fixed interest securities, with the allocation to shares remaining within a 50% to 75% range. 

Download Fund Factsheet Here
Download Key Investor Information Here

Our Fund’s Pre-Contractual Sustainability Disclosures can be found in the Multi-Asset Portfolio Prospectus below.

Growth Fund

Fund Objective

The Fund aims to achieve returns through a focus on assets the Investment Manager believes will generate capital growth, as well as income, over the medium-long term (at least seven years). 

The Fund will invest, directly and indirectly, in a mixture of shares and fixed interest securities (being sovereign, investment grade and non-investment grade bonds). 

The allocation between the shares and fixed interest securities in which the Fund invests will be actively managed and will vary in response to short term market conditions. However, the allocation to shares, will remain within a 70% to 90% range. 

Our Fund’s Pre-Contractual Sustainability Disclosures can be found in the Multi-Asset Portfolio Prospectus below.

Dynamic Fund

Fund Objective

The Fund aims to achieve growth through a combination of capital and income over the long term (at least ten years). 

The Fund will invest, directly and indirectly, in a mixture of shares and fixed interest securities (being sovereign, investment grade and non-investment grade bonds). 

The allocation between the shares and fixed interest securities in which the Fund invests will be actively managed and will vary in response to short term market conditions. However, the Fund operates a dynamic strategy, meaning that the allocation to shares will remain within a 80% to 100% range, with a focus on higher risk, growth based assets. 

Download Fund Factsheet Here
Download Key Investor Information Here

Our Fund’s Pre-Contractual Sustainability Disclosures can be found in the Multi-Asset Portfolio Prospectus below.


Multi Asset Portfolio Prospectus

This document constitutes the Prospectus for SVS Brown Shipley Multi Asset Portfolio which has been prepared in accordance with The Collective Investment Schemes Sourcebook.

Download Here
Reports & Accounts (including Assessment of Value Report)

This document provides the report and accounts for the Brown Shipley Funds, including the Value Assessment for a particular fund (as at February 2024). Download Here

Rates & prices

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Further Enquiries

For further fund information, investor queries,
dealing enquiries and valuations please contact Evelyn Partners:

By Telephone

0141 222 1150

By Post

SVS Brown Shipley Funds Evelyn Partners Fund Solutions Limited
Transfer Agency Team
206 St Vincent Street
G2 5SG