Teamwork that works for your clients.

Partnering with professionals for enhanced service.

Our track record of forming strong relationships with lawyers, accountants and corporate finance firms is based on seamless collaboration. We take the time to listen to our clients’ requirements in order to provide and deliver a structured wealth plan, drawing upon our wealth planning and investment management services, as well as flexible lending solutions where required.

Part of the team

Part of the team.

Professional advisers trust us with their clients as we often share common values of service, security and integrity, and always put the needs of the client first. We understand that our clients’ financial affairs are often complex, so we always look for ways in which our services can be integrated with their strategy to complement and enhance the combined offering.

A complete service.

Having wealth planning, investment management and lending expertise in a single provider is not just convenient and cost-effective, but essential in providing clients with a comprehensive service. Our expertise spans the following areas:


Family wealth

We’ve helped generations of families handle their business matters, getting to know them and their companies in order to provide truly tailored advice. Ensuring a smooth transition to the next generation is paramount and we have extensive succession planning experience, which extends to the use of Family Investment Companies as a tax efficient way of passing wealth down generations.

Personal milestones & family matters

We guide families or private clients through life’s milestones such as death, divorce or inheritance, via our core services of wealth planning, investment management and lending.

We provide sensitive and professional support to clients working closely with many family lawyers, and can look to provide lending facilities to assist clients through their divorce proceedings. This can be used to help fund legal fees.

Charities & trusts

We work closely with trustees to ensure that we fully understand the risk mandate and investment objectives of their respective charities. This extends to fully understanding the investment principles, challenges and aspirations of the charity to ensure our services are fully tailored to their ongoing needs.

Supporting business sellers

We work in partnership with Corporate Finance professionals, including lawyers and accountants, to engage with clients who are looking to sell their business. We’re on hand to provide expert guidance and structure pre and post-sale.

This includes collaborating with our professional partners and the client to ensure they’re prepared with a structured wealth plan and road map for the future.

Communication is key.

Our focus is on ensuring that each client has a clearly defined plan for their wealth, but equally important is the sharing of knowledge so that all parties can pull together for the benefit of the client.


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The services described above can involve placing your capital at risk. The value of investments and any income from them may fluctuate and is not guaranteed. Investors may not get back the amount originally invested. References to taxation referred to on this site are those available under current legislation, which may change, and their availability and value depend on individual circumstances. Brown Shipley does not provide tax advice and clients should consider taking professional tax advice before any investment is made. Lending subject to status